Reiki Plus

Reiki Plus Services

Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Sessions

Energy Healing
  • 30 minutes - $35
    15 minutes of Usui Holy Fire Reiki + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. The client is fully clothed during the session and a blanket, pillow, eye mask, and optional essential oil is provided.
  • 45 minutes - $50
    30 minutes of Usui Holy Fire Reiki + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. The client is fully clothed during the session and a blanket, pillow, eye mask, and optional essential oil is provided.
  • 60 minutes - $65
    45 minutes of Usui Holy Fire Reiki + 15 minutes for client pre-session intake and post-session discussion. The client is fully clothed during the session and a blanket, pillow, eye mask, and optional essential oil is provided.

Signature Massage & Reiki Sessions

Peace of Mind - $80 (1 Hr 15 Min)
  • 60 minutes scalp, face, neck, and shoulder massage infused with Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, and sound healing + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. This holistic energy healing session treats headaches, migraines, TMJ, and neck and shoulder mobility issues. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that promotes deep relaxation in the nervous system and decreases stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear and so much more. The combination of therapeutic touch, energy healing, and sound speeds up the body's natural response to healing by releasing tension, toxins, and energy blocks that are keeping you from living a healthy and optimal life. This service will give you a renewed peace of mind.
Grounded - $80 (1 Hr 15 Min)
  • 60 minutes of feet, ankle, and calf massage infused with Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, and sound healing + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. This wholistic energy healing session grounds your energy into the here and now, and rebalances the 7 chakras of the body. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that promotes deep relaxation in the nervous system and decreases stress, fatigue, anxiety, fear and so much more. The combination of therapeutic touch, energy healing, and sound speeds up the body's natural response to healing by releasing tension, toxins, and energy blocks that are keeping you from living a healthy and optimal life. This service will give you a grounded sense of renewal.
60 Minute Reikissage Session - $100 (1 Hr 15 Min)
  • 60 minutes of reiki and massage + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. These sessions are ideal for working on 1–2 targeted areas of the body with the infusion of Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, cups, essential oils, hot stones, hot towels, and sound healing. Not all modalities will be used, but this session gives space for them to be utilized.
90 Minute Reikissage Session - $150 (1 Hr 45 Min)
  • 90 minutes of reiki and massage + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. These sessions are ideal for working on 2-3 targeted areas of the body with the infusion of Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, cups, essential oils, hot stones, hot towels, and sound healing. Not all modalities will be used, but this session gives space for them to be utilized.
120 Minute Reikissage Session - $200 (2 Hr 15 Min)
  • 120 minutes of reiki and massage + 15 minutes for pre-session intake and post-session discussion. These sessions are ideal for working on 3-4 targeted areas of the body with the infusion of Usui Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, cups, essential oils, hot stones, hot towels, and sound healing. Not all modalities will be used, but this session gives space for them to be utilized.

Questions About Usui Holy Fire Reiki

  • How does it work?

    The trained reiki practitioner channels reiki down from the top of their crown, into their heart, down their arms, and out of their hands via the palm chakras. The practitioner is a conduit between healing reiki energy and the energy of their client, transferring reiki energy towards whatever and whoever needs healing the most. The client receives reiki energy by simply being receptive and relaxed. Reiki respects free will and intuitively works with the chi, prana, and life force energy of the client. It works alongside the meridians and chakras of the body, allowing optimal energy flow to move through tissues, organs, and the many layers of the body and aura.

  • Is there an actual fire involved?

    No, there is no physical fire involved. Holy fire reiki is an esoteric flame that stems from the sacred heart of Jesus Christ. Usui Holy Fire III Reiki is like fire in the sense that it purifies and transforms one's energy on a deep level, but never causing harm or any pain. The esoteric flame of Holy Fire can feel soothing, and warm, and has been seen as a living flame with many colors in the third eye.

  • What do most people feel or experience during a reiki session?

    One could feel sensations of warmth and coolness all over the body. Some may even experience muscle twitches, see colors in the third eye, or even fall asleep. These are just a few things one could feel or experience during a reiki session. Everyone's experience is different and never the same as the session before, be open to receive what you're meant to receive at this moment.

  • What should I be doing or thinking about during a reiki session?

    Relax, focus on your breathing, meditate, let your mind wander, or you can even fall asleep. Try to refrain from talking too much, the more silence there is the more you're able to tap into the rest and digest. The parasympathetic nervous system allows for deep cellular healing to occur. The session, time, and space are ultimately yours so do as you wish.

  • What if emotions come up and I begin to cry?

    Emotions can and naturally come up during a reiki session. Not always in sadness, it could also be in tears of joy, self-forgiveness, grief, and many more. The space is held for you and I would ask that you allow the emotions to be felt, the space is non-judgemental. Emotions are a part of life and should be felt so that our energetic bodies can integrate life, heal, and move forward. If you cry, you will be supported and your experience will stay between us and in the room.

  • Can you communicate with passed loved ones, guides, or angels?

    Yes, I am able to communicate with guides, angels, passed loved ones, and receive any messages in the utmost kind and loving way. I was trained in mediumship back in 2020 which allows me to be a conduit for spirit to bring in messages for the greatest and highest good of my clients. I cannot call in anyone specific, for spirits have free will and will come and go when they please.

  • What should I do after a reiki session?

    Like all bodywork, physical or energetical, one needs to drink plenty of water and rest. Hydration is key to integrating energy work into your cells and DNA. Do drink plenty of water, and tea, take a warm Epsom salt bath, or shower. Avoid alcohol, heavy and greasy foods, and toxic environments, and be mindful of who you spend your time with.

  • How often and why should I rebook?

    Energy work is bodywork. I recommend a reiki session at least 1x/month to maintain the health and vitality of your energy. When you go out into the world, you naturally encounter people, places, and things that drain or disrupt your energy flow. Stressful jobs, toxic relationships, hardships and loss within your family, illnesses, injuries, and any of these situations can and will change the frequency of your energy. Maintaining a healthy vibration creates healthy vessels, relationships, and boundaries to protect what is yours.

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